Gastric Bypass Surgery
Many individuals struggle to lose weight and keep it off for a lifetime. If you are either obese or morbidly obese and both diet and exercise haven’t proven to be effective for you, then gastric bypass surgery may be the right bariatric surgery for you. Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most common types of bariatric surgery in Istanbul.
It is popular because it’s extremely safe and has an impressive success rate and overall efficacy. At Medim Bariatric Center, our professional team has countless years of experience performing gastric bypass surgery. Our expert surgeons are dedicated to helping patients like you regain confidence, lead a more active and healthier lifestyle, and restore their health to an optimal rate. Allow our trusted and certified team to help you reach your potential by helping you lose your excess weight with obesity treatment options such as gastric bypass surgery.
About Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery, commonly known as roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery, is the gold standard in Medim bariatric surgery center.
The best candidates for gastric bypass weight loss surgery are those that are diabetic or who have high blood pressure (both common comorbidities for obese patients). Roux-en-y gastric bypass surgery is extremely successful in terms of all of the bariatric surgery procedures available for obese and morbidly obese patients.
This surgery works by connecting the smaller pouch created with the lower portion of the small intestine. The small intestine is also rearranged to connect to both of these newly-created two pouches. The amount of food that someone consumes is restricted because of the size of the new stomach pouch.
By limiting one’s caloric intake, they will lose more weight in a short period of time. Most patients who have gastric bypass surgery at our Medim Health will lose about 10 to 20 pounds a month for a year after their procedure. This type of bariatric surgery poses a much lower complication rate than other weight loss surgery treatment options but isn’t reversible like gastric banding and other surgery types.
What Gastric Bypass Patients Expect
After laparoscopic small incisions are made in and around the abdomen, a surgeon will make an incision across the top of the stomach. This incision is where the division of the stomach into two pouches is made. Both pouches are sealed off from the other.
The newly-created smaller pouch will hold less than one cup of food. Another incision is made into the lower portion of the small intestine where the upper pouch is connected to it.
Resizing the stomach and rerouting the intestine helps patients to consume less food and to digest food quicker. Because food enters the lower portion of the bowls much of the food’s nutrition isn’t broken down or processed properly. This allows gastric bypass surgery patients to drop weight faster and to maintain their weight loss.
As with any type of bariatric surgery, gastric bypass surgery only gives a patient the tools to lose weight, it is up to the patient to dedicate themselves to an active and healthy lifestyle. The initial recovery period can seem difficult, but overall, gastric bypass surgery has a large success rate for loss of excess weight with patients.
Benefits of Procedure
Some benefits of gastric bypass surgery include an improvement in hypertension patients in over 70% of all patients. Individuals with high cholesterol also saw remission in about 70% of all patients as well. Improvements in obstructive sleep apnea and snoring resulted from gastric bypass surgery.
For Type II Diabetes patients, their condition was reversed in up to 90% of all patients leading to normal blood sugar without any need for medication. Nearly all patients saw relief from acid reflux disease. Joint pain, as well as the lower back pain, was relieved or improved in nearly all patients too. 80-85% of the excess weight was lost with gastric bypass bariatric surgery. The overall quality of life for patients improves greatly after enduring gastric bypass surgery.
Gastric Bypass Results
The results of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in Turkey are absolutely amazing. Over the years, the majority of patients have lost a minimum of 65% of their additional weight and have maintained their weight loss. Following an exercise routine will result in better and quicker results.
This surgery has been proven to resolve high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and back pain in the majority of the patients. And, all patients will experience a greater quality of life and more self-confidence in their appearance and interactions with others.
With any weight loss surgery, it is important to remember that Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery is a surgical method to help patients to lose weight. It is not a magical treatment. In order to sustain long-term weight loss results, patients need to change their lifestyle and the way they think of food.
A remedy for this is to eat healthy foods in moderation and following an exercise routine. Only those patients that are a minimum of 100 pounds overweight and have been unsuccessful with other diets can qualify for gastric bypass surgery. For additional details about this surgery, please contact us.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Procedure
Undergoing gastric bypass at Medim Health ensures one of our experienced, trusted bariatric surgeons perform with optimal results at the most affordable price. Below are various advantages and disadvantages of gastric bypass compared with other bariatric procedures.
Gastric Bypass vs Gastric Sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy)
- Gastric Bypass has better rates of resolving obesity-related co-morbidities than the gastric sleeve surgery. However, the gastric sleeve has lower complication rates (source).
- Gastric Sleeve has significantly fewer morbidity risks, similar to Lap-Band – while achieving expected weight loss similar to gastric bypass.
- Gastric Bypass generally costs more than Gastric Sleeve.
Gastric Bypass vs Mini Gastric Bypass
- Mini-Gastric Bypass is a simpler procedure than Gastric Bypass Surgery, 2 years out it shows just as effective results (source).
- The present study shows that hospitalization following MGB instead of rising, as reported with RNY, decreases by a third.
- The MGB has been shown to be a short, safe successful weight loss surgery in previous work.
- The present study supports the MGB as a low-risk procedure that decreases the need for hospitalization (source).
Gastric Bypass vs Duodenal Switch
- Gastric Bypass has been shown to Have Less Vitamin Deficiencies Compared with Duodenal Switch (source).
- Gastric Bypass in Turkey is generally more affordable than Duodenal Switch.
Gastric Bypass vs Gastric Banding
- Gastric Bypass shows more Ghrelin (hunger hormone) suppression than gastric banding (Lap-Band) surgery (EndoJournals.org)
- Gastric Banding, for recent evidence showing poor results, is not a popular option in Turkey . Leaving many who want to get this procedure performed a tough time in Turkey.
Greater risks of pneumonia are present after bariatric surgery of any kind. This is because there is less weight on the chest. Other complications can also include blot clots in the legs. As a result, it is a good idea to speak to your doctor if you have any after surgery concerns.
Other possible complications during bariatric surgery include slippage, erosion or leakage of the stomach. It’s important to follow all post-op instructions in regards to activity levels and properly cleaning the wound.
There are a number of side-effects that can occur if you decide to undergo gastric bypass surgery. A lot of the side effects that people experience can also occur with other forms of weight loss surgery. After the surgery, eating too fast is not a good idea. This can lead to diarrhea and vomiting. Constipation, headaches, and fatigue are also possible.
Who Needs Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Individuals who decide to go for gastric bypass surgery are usually those who are unable to lose weight through any other method. Sometimes bariatric surgery is the only option. Gastric bypass surgery will literally force your body only to take in a smaller amount of food at a time and will help you to get full faster.
It will also help those who are suffering from the likes of food addiction. In order to keep losing weight, you must change your lifestyle entirely. Staying active and controlling portions will help the weight to continue to come off.
Post-Op Care
After the operation, there are a number of things that you need to be aware of. A special gastric bypass post-op diet may be given to you. You will need to give your stomach time to heal after the operation, so eating certain foods in a certain way will be necessary.
A liquid diet is often recommended for a lot of people, as this will help to give you the nutrients that you need and allow you to get used to eating again. Broth, milk and unsweetened juice are just some of the things you may want to include in your diet. As your diet progresses, pureed foods may be the best option for you. You can always speak with your doctor about any concerns that you may have.
Always attend all post-op appointments. They’re important not only to be examined properly but also to share any questions or concerns you may have regarding the surgery you endured.